Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Things We Love Today

Here are our Top Five Things We Love Today in no particular order:

1. I had a great lunch of Yogos and chips.
2. I had an Italian Beef after school.
3. I did my Hariet Tubman report.
4. People liked my blue shirt.
5. Daddy talked to Sherry about dog-sitting her dog, Hank.

1. I was able to draw 3 elephants.
2. Abby told me to see things sunny side up.
3. We talked about my funniest experiences with dogs.
4.I got stuck in the snow, and somebody helped me.
5. I felt warm when I was having to wait for my car to get un-stuck.

Katie Mae
1. My teacher read a Harriet Tubman book.
2. I played a cool math game at school.
3.I played a really cool game in gym with knocking down bowling pins like in the Winter Olympics which starts Friday in Vancouver.
4. We made corn riddles.
5. We got to free write in Writing Workshop so I wrote to Ella.

1. I learned some Business Object report tools.
2. I got my Gradebooks up to date.
3. Got my oil changed.
4. Writing a speech tonight so thinking for ideas for that.
5. Soccer practice tonight (coaching).

Monday, February 8, 2010

Things We Love Today

These are the top five things we loved about today in no particular order.

1. Cathy complimented my presentation at work
2. Chinese fried rice for lunch & seeing someone special
3. running & yoga
4. seeing Abby's dance class
5. helping Bobby buy flowers for Valentines Day

1. Yogos
2. no child fell out of the broken bus door on the way home after school
3. seeing a little black dog in the yard by the bus
4. my outfit & coat
5. sharing with a friend in need

Katie Mae
1. 100th day of school party
2. measuring the Iles gym in centimeters, inches & feet with partner using a tape measure
3. art class- working on drawing our bikes
4. seeing the little black dog in the yard by the bus
5. having lunch & talking to Drew

1. going to Staples
2. being at the bus stop
3. seeing Bob Green & hearing about his grandchildren
4. working on my elephant drawings
5. didn't need to scrape my window of ice or snow